Day :
- Breast Cancer Pathology
Session Introduction
Dr Sarandeep Singh Puri
Associate Professor, Pathology, School of Medical Sciences and Research, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Title: To study the association of benign breast lesions with malignant lesions of breast in histopathology.

Dr Sarandeep Singh Puri is working as Associate Professor in department of Pathology .He has 10 years of experience in the field of Teaching, Research and Diagnostics. He has done fellowship in Hematology from Kings College London, United Kingdom. He has been actively involved in research and has more than 50 publications in National and International indexed Journals to his credit. He has presented papers and posters, delivered lectures as speaker, judged scientific sessions in various conferences. He has been actively involved in conferences and workshops as a Speaker, Organising Secretary, Treasurer. He is working as PG Academic Incharge and Coordinator for Undergraduate Research projects at the Medical School.
Background- Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women It is the leading cause of death from cancer for women in age group 40-44 years. Benign diseases are important risk factors for later development of breast cancer. Aims and Objectives-To study the incidence of association of benign breast disease in breast malignancy. To study the epidemiology of benign breast disease associated with malignancy. To study the pattern of benign breast diseases associated with carcinoma breast. To establish the relative significance of development of carcinoma with preexisting benign breast diseases. Material and Methods- All patients who underwent mastectomy for carcinoma breast were recorded. No of patients -50 . Study Period- Sep 22’ to Feb 2023. Sections were taken from tumor mass and surrounding normal tissue 2cm away from tumor mass. All sections were processed and stained with H and E stain. Results- Among the cases studied most of the patients observed were of age group 40-50 years . 56 percent patients strong family history. Most of women were of perimenopausal group. Out of 50 cases Non proliferative lesions 44%,Ductal carcinoma in situ 16%,Calcification 12%,Ductal hyperplasia without atypia 8%,Apocrine metaplasia 8%,Adenosis 8%,Fibrocystic disease 4%. Among the cases studied most common premalignant condition observed was ductal carcinoma in situ followed by ductal hyperplasia without atypia,adenosis and apocrine metaplasia. Conclusion- Benign changes observed in surrounding normal tissue of mastectomy specimen support the finding that these conditions are associated with the breast cancer risk.
Shahla Masood,
Professor and Chair Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville, USA
Title: It is time to abandon the use of the term low-grade ductal carcinoma in situ in breast core needle biopsies.

Shahla Masood, M.D., is a professor and chair of pathology and laboratory medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville and medical director of the UF Health Breast Center – Jacksonville. She also serves as director of the college’s breast pathology and cytopathology fellowship programs and interim director of cancer programs at UF Health Jacksonville. Masood is an internationally known authority on breast health, having established the Multidisciplinary Symposium on Breast Health, an annual event that has been running since 1995. The event attracts world-renowned physicians and researchers for a weekend of networking, sharing of the latest findings and in-depth discussions about ways to improve breast health across the globe. The symposium was the first of its kind to cover all aspects of diagnosis and treatment for a single disease. Masood received her medical education from Shiraz University in Iran. She completed her residency in Pathology – Anatomic and Clinical and her fellowship in cytopathology through Jacksonville Health Education Programs, or JHEP, the predecessor to the UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville. Her research interests include early breast cancer detection, the use of minimally invasive procedures to provide optimal samples for analysis and the prognostic/predictive index.
During the last several years, increased public awareness, advances in breast imaging and enhanced screening programs have led to early breast cancer detection and attention to cancer prevention. The numbers of image-detected biopsies have increased and pathologists are expected to provide more information with smaller tissue samples. These biopsies have resulted in detection of increasing numbers of high-risk proliferative breast disease and in situ cancers. The general hypothesis is that some forms of breast cancers may arise from established forms of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) and possibly from more common forms of ductal hyperplasia. However, this is an oversimplification of a very complex process, given the fact that the majority of breast cancers appears to arise de-novo or from a yet unknown precursor lesion. Currently, ADH and DCIS are considered as morphologic risk factors and precursor lesions for breast cancer. However, morphologic distinction between these two entities has remained a real issue that continues to lead to overdiagnoses and overtreatment. Aside from morphologic similarities between ADH and low grade DCIS, biomarker studies and molecular genetic testings have shown that morphologic overlaps are reflected at the molecular levels and raise questions about the validity of separating these two entities. It is hoped that as we better understand the genetic basis of these entities in relation to ultimate patient outcome, the suggested use of the term of “Borderline Breast Disease” can minimize the number of patients who are subject to overtreatment.
- Breast Implants
Session Introduction
PhD in Nutrition and Cancer - Laboratoitre de Biologe Cellulaire & Génétique Moléculaire, Department of Biologie, Faculé des Sciences, Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir
Title: Assessment of the Nutritional Profile of Women with bone Cancer from the Agadir Region( South of Morocco)

He completed his PhD in Nutrition and Cancer - Laboratoitre de Biologe Cellulaire & Génétique Moléculaire, Department of Biologie, Faculé des Sciences, from Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir. After 2010 he was Cabinet de Nutrition Dietétique. From 2008-2010 he worked as Research Development Manager at Laboratoire Phytoreva, France. From 2006-2007 he was Head of the Adjoint Project Neuronergy aux Laboratoires Neuronax Biopôle, Clermont Ferrand, France. From 2004-2005 he was in Charge of Nutrition aux Laboratoires Pharma, Nord Cergy Pontoise, France. From 1997-2000 he was Head of the Diet & Nutrition Unit, Center Hospitalier Régional Hassan II Agadir. He was the President of the Association Partners d'Avenir Inezgane. He has been Vice-president of the Société Marocaine "Sciences. Santé - Valorisation des Bioressources" Agadir. He is the Counselor at the Bureau of the Diabete Action Education Association, Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Université Ibn Zohr Agadir. He is the Member of the Association Médicale pour la Santé de la Mère et de l'Enfant, Agadir.
Background Although the prevalence of bone cancer and the performing mortality are veritably high in Morocco, no study has been carried out on the part of the nutritive factors in the development of BC. ideal The ideal of this study was to assess the nutritive profile of women with BC in southern Morocco styles The study was conducted with 91 women with bone cancer. Face- to- facesemi-structured interviews were used for the assessment of the nutritive profile and the collection of socio- profitable data. Biometric measures were carried out in parallel. Results The results showed that postmenopausal women had a significantly advanced mean weight and Body Mass Index thannon-menopausal women( p<0.015). The maturity of cases( 79) had energy inputs above recommendations. The proportion of lipids was inordinate in 46 of cases. Inputs of impregnated adipose acids were high in 14 of cases. But those of unsaturated adipose acids were high in over 50 of cases. About 58 had a veritably high input of fast sugars. Cholesterol input was high in 40 of cases. Vitamins A, E and D were handed in small quantities, independently in 66, 45 and 91 of cases. Likewise, inputs were low for water-answerable vitamins, especially Vitamins B9(62.6) and B12( 54). nearly the maturity of actors in our study( 92) had veritably low calcium inputs. Inputs of magnesium, zinc and selenium were inadequate in 43, 35 and 48 of cases independently. Conclusion rotundity, inordinate energy and sugar input, as well as mineral and vitamin scarcities could explain the high prevalence of bone cancer in southern Morocco. A balanced diet would fight against bone cancer.
Fariha Sahrish
Azra naheed medical college, superior university, lahore
Title: Rare Serosal Cystic Gastric Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor with Extensive Intestinal metaplasia in an adherent gastric mucosa; A case report in a 65-year-old male
Fariha Sahrish has completed her post graduate degree FCPS at the age of 30 years from college of physcians and surgeons, Pakistan She is assistant professor and consultant histopathologist in Azra Naheed medical college. She has published more than 5 papers in reputed journals in Pakistan
Gastrointestinal intestinal stromal Tumors account for 60% of mesenchymal Gastrointestinal tract tumors commonly located in the stomach and small intestine, predominantly solid tumors which rarely undergo cystic degeneration. A 65-year-old patient with increasing upper abdominal swelling and a CT-scan abdomen showed a large unilocular 17x16x15 cm lesion. Upon exploration, a colossal cystic swelling in the lesser omentum, anterior to the stomach, was found. Histopathological examination showed a spindle cell tumor turned out to be CD117 positive and S100 negative on immunostains. The tumor was moderate risk gastric GIST based on the site; Stomach, Size> 10cm; Mitosis <5/5mm2 according to Risk assessment of GIST, 2006.GISTs are predominantly solid tumors, and rarely undergo cystic transformation. The primary differential diagnoses of spindle cell neoplasm are GISTs, Leiomyoma, Leiomyosarcoma, and Schwannoma. These spindle cell neoplasms are differentiated by applying a panel of Immunohistochemical stains, CD117, SMA, and S100.
- Screening, Monitoring and Diagnosis
Session Introduction
Kumban Walter C
PhD Ajou university. Department of preventive medicine S. Korea
Title: Differences and trends in gastric, breast, and cervical cancer screening rates between rural and urban areas in 2007-2012 among the Korean population

Kumban walter chuck has knowledge and the expertise of disease, screening and early detection especially chronic diseases including cancer geared towards the reduction of disease burden and complications. He has built the knowledge of handling public released data in healthcare management. He has also been specialized in data analysis using various statistical software including STATA, R AND SAS
This study aimed at examining the ever and recommended screening inequalities of cancers (gastric, breast, and cervical) in rural and urban areas including socio-economic disparities, from 2007 to 2012 amongst Koreans.
This cross-sectional population-based study used data from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) of 2007-2012. It included people with no previous cancer diagnosis for gastric, breast, and cervical cancers. Annual Percent Change (APC) was calculated at 95% confidence interval using STATA version 13.0 and MS Excel.
In the ever cancer screening group, the screening rates and trends had an increased in both urban and rural areas: APC values were 4.6% (95% CI, 1.6 to 7.8) and 5.6% (95% CI, 2.7 to 8.6) for gastric cancers, 3.6% (95% CI, 1.5 to 5.6) and 3.6% (95% CI, -0.3 to 7.7) for breast cancers, and 0.3% (95% CI, -0.4 to 1.2) and 0.7% (95% CI, -1.0 to 1.4) for cervical cancers in urban and rural areas, respectively.
Cancer screening rates for gastric and breast cancers showed significant increase from 2007-2012 in both areas. More effort should be implemented and focused on the improvement of cervical cancer screening rates which showed significant lower cancer screening rates compared to the other cancers in both areas.
- Breast Cancer Surgery
Session Introduction
Dr. Vitalis Ugochukwu Lumanze
Title: Pervasiveness and Trends of Breast Cancer in Nigeria
Vitalis Ugochukwu Lumanze completed his MSc. in Medical Microbiology at the age of 29 years from Imo State University, Imo state Nigeria and before that he obtained his MBBS from Nnamdi Azikiwe University(UNIZIK) Awka, Anambra state Nigeria. he practiced for three (3) years Nnamdi Azikiwe University after which he left to establish Lumanze Clinic Ltd. He is the Medical director of Lumanze Clinic Ltd, a leading hospital based in Lagos state Nigeria. Dr. Lumanze is currently pursuing a Phd. in Pathology with University of Lagos, Lagos state Nigeria.
Background: - Worldwide, breast cancer is the commonest cancer in women and characterized by regional variations and late clinical presentation in low and middle income countries including Nigeria.
Objectives – The purpose of this communication is to highlight the trends of breast cancer in a Nigerian population in a way to assess the effectiveness of various control measures including mammography instituted
to control the disease.
Materials and Methods – Data on new cases of breast cancer registered annually at the cancer registry of the hospital over a period of 5-years were obtained and analyzed. Cancer reporting was voluntary hence data were
collected by active search. Sources of information included pathology laboratories, clinics, and wards e.t.c.
Information abstracted on both patients and cancer included age, sex, bases of diagnosis, incidence date, topography, (primary sites), and morphology among others. Breast cancer was coded as C50, using International Classification of Diseases 10th edition (ICD 10th) of World Health Organization.
Results – There were 568 new cases of breast cancer registered at the cancer registry during the 10-year period,comprising of 7(12.23%) males and 561(98.77%) females. The youngest patient aged 18 years while the oldest
was 87 years and the peak age of incidence was the 5th decade. Incidence of breast cancer in male was low and occurred at a relatively older age group. We observed steady rise in cases of breast cancer at our centre.
Conclusion – The steady rise in breast cancer cases in the study population is an indication of inadequate or ineffective control measures to curtail the disease or due to diversion of global attention to HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in the country. Therefore there is urgent need to step up activities through non-governmental agency to promote advocacy, national policy on training of personnel for clinical and self-breast examination, and nationwide screening program (mammography) words)
- Latest Advances and Innovative Therapeutic Approaches
Session Introduction
Octavian Bucur
Associate Investigator, Viron Molecular Medicine Institute
Title: Expansion Pathology: physical tissue expansion for advanced investigation of clinical specimens

Dr. Octavian Bucur, MD, PhD, is an Associate Investigator at the Viron Molecular Medicine Institute in Boston, MA, USA and Editor in Chief of the journal Discoveries.
He has over a decade of training and research experience at the Harvard Medical School: Postdoctoral Fellow at BIDMC and Harvard Medical School, Instructor in Pathology (Faculty), Harvard Medical School (2017-2018); Associate Member, Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard (2014-2015), Associate Member of the Ludwig Cancer Center at Harvard University, Boston, MA (2016-2018), affiliated with Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Boston, MA (2016-2018).
Dr. Octavian Bucur has made impactful contributions in several research fields, being one of the main developers of Expansion Pathology (Nature Biotechnology 2017 (in the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric), Nature Protocols 2020; 3 patents). This method extends the current resolution limit (250 nm) of the optical microscopes to 70 nm, enabling visualization of smaller nanoscopic structures with inexpensive optical microscopy in preserved tissue specimens, after physical tissue expansion. Expansion-related technologies have tremendous implications in several biomedical fields, including diagnostic pathology, neuroscience and molecular medicine.
Among the honors and awards received over the years are: Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in Translational and Basic Science Research from the Harvard Medical School Pathology Department; ranked 1st out of >100 - Best Scientific Poster Award (2017, Harvard Medical School Pathology Retreat of MGH, BIDMC, BWH, DFCI, Children’s Hospital Boston); The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)-Millennium Pharmaceuticals Award (2015, Philadelphia, PA), IUBMB Travel Fellowship (2010, Melbourne, Australia), The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)-Aflac Award (2008, San Diego, CA); Lady Tata Memorial Trust International Award for Leukemia Research (2007, London, UK); European Union - Leonardo da Vinci Research Award (2004, Magdeburg, Germany); Invited Keynote Speaker/Special Lectures (conferences in San Francisco, Chicago, London (UK), Bucharest (Romania), BIDMC, Harvard Medical School - Boston, Wayne State University - Detroit, Carol Davila University, Romania); Chair of the Scientific Selection Committee for the RALI's Grand Rounds competition, Research Assistant Learning Initiative, Boston (2017-2018); Invited Judge for many undergraduate/graduate research competitions; International grant evaluator.
Dr. Octavian Bucur is a Co-Founder, major stakeholder and was the first CEO of Viron Therapeutics, Boston, MA and QPathology, Boston, MA. He is also leading a prolific research group at the Victor Babes National Institute of Pathology in Bucharest, selecting and training some of the most promising students and young researchers from Romania (
In diagnostic pathology, conventional optical microscopy is critical to diagnosis. Unfortunately, due to physical limitations, optical microscopy can reach only ~250 nm in resolution, making the use of higher resolution imaging strategies (such as electron microscopy) required for investigation, diagnosis and/or confirmation of certain pathologies. In a Harvard-MIT multidisciplinary collaboration, we developed a pathology-optimized form of physical tissue expansion named Expansion Pathology (ExPath), which enables homogenous and isometric tissue expansion (approximately 100-fold in three-dimension) that can push the optical resolution limit of the optical microscopes to ~70-80 nm.
We used ExPath to demonstrate high precision discrimination between early breast neoplastic lesions that to date have challenged pathological classification and for optical investigation and diagnosis of kidney nephrotic lesions, which were previously diagnosed or confirmed with an electron microscope.
Expansion Pathology is an inexpensive, fast, reliable method which may open up the routine use of nanoscale imaging in pathology, enabling advanced investigation of clinical specimens and improved diagnosis of pathologies such as cancer.